- Who can participate?
Final-year female students from any academic stream across India.
- What is the registration fee?
Participation is absolutely free!
- What happens after I register?
You will receive further instructions on idea submission and the next steps via email.
- How many members can be in a team?
You can participate as an individual or as a team of 2 or 3 members. If you are participating as a team, ensure that all team members are from the same college. Otherwise, the registration will not be accepted.
- How can I reach out if I have a question?
If you have any questions or need support, feel free to reach out to us at ideathon@infinitisoftware.net
- How to Submit My Idea?
Register your idea using the submission link sent to your registered email ID. Please ensure that ideas are submitted only from your registered email ID.
- Can I Submit Multiple Ideas?
No, you can only submit one idea. Multiple submissions or account creations will result in disqualification.

Meet Our Champions of Creativity!
After a whirlwind of ideas, strategy, and brilliance, we present the Top 3 Innovators who turned imagination into impact!
About the Infiniti Ideathon 2024-25
Infiniti is a pioneer in Travel technology and innovation, delivering cutting-edge software solutions for over two decades. As part of Infiniti’s 20th Year Advent Celebration, this ideathon empowers final-year female students from all academic streams to showcase innovation and creativity. Join us in making history!
Begin Your Journey
Start your Ideathon journey with a simple registration on or before 5th January 2025
Submit Your Ideas
Share your innovative ideas and solutions by 18th January 2025
Result Announcement
The results for the first level of idea submissions will be announced on 25th January 2025
Business Plan Submission
Shortlisted teams/individuals from the first level must submit a business plan on or before 8th February 2025
Business Plan Presentation
After the review, the shortlisted teams/individuals will present their business plans to industry experts at Infiniti HQ in Chennai on 22nd February 2025
Final Winner Announcement
The top three teams/individuals will be announced at Infiniti's 20th Advent Celebration in Chennai on 22nd February 2025
Dive Deep into Innovation
Select a Topic Below and Share Your Transformative Idea!
Her Journey
Empowering Women Through Travel Innovation
Start creating your business idea
How can we empower women through travel innovation?
Women on the Move
Tech Solutions for Adventurous Female Travelers
Start creating your business idea
What challenges do adventurous female travelers face?
Travel Sisterhood
Building Community and Safety for Women Travelers
Start creating your business idea
How can we build community and safety for women travelers?
Empower Her Travel
Innovations for Women’s Travel Safety and Wellness
Start creating your business idea
How can we improve women’s travel safety and wellness?
Global Gals
Connecting Women Travelers Through Technology
Start creating your business idea
How can technology connect women travelers?
Empowering Women in Travel
Career Opportunities and Growth
Start creating your business idea
How can we create career opportunities and growth for women?
Roadmap to becoming a part of this initiative
1. Registration and Idea Submission
Sign up and Submit your innovative ideas to join the Infiniti Ideathon.
2. Idea Screening and Selection
30 teams will be shortlisted for the next phase.
3. Business Plan Development
The 30 teams will refine their ideas into business plans with expert mentorship.
4. Grand Finale and Pitching
The top 10-15 teams will pitch their plans to industry leaders at the Grand Finale.
INR 25,000/-
Celebrating the team/individual with the most transformative idea
1st Runner up
INR 15,000/-
Honoring the team/individual with the most innovative idea
2nd Runner up
INR 10,000/-
Recognizing the team/individual for innovation and forward-thinking
Outstanding Innovators
Certifications & Jobs
Empowering innovators with certification, mentorship, and placement opportunities